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Spiritual Healer Training & Energy Healing

Spiritual Healer Bill Austin

Welcome to my spiritual healer training and energy healing web site! My name is Bill Austin and each month I offer a free spiritual healing session for over 1,700 people . I would love for you to participate in this program as well!

Healer Training

Spiritual Energy Healing

Spiritual Healer Training

Healer training is the major focus of my energy healing practice. My name is Bill Austin and like most spiritual healers, the first spiritual healing modality I worked with was Reiki. I remember how anxious I was as I memorized the Usui Reiki healing symbols.

I was terrified that I would get it wrong and instead of helping someone, I would hurt them instead. I wondered: Why couldn’t it be easier? Why couldn’t I just set my intent to direct healing energy to another and not worry about the symbols?

During the first few years of my energy healing practice, I studied with a lot of spiritual healers and experienced many different approaches to healer training. Many of them felt to me like they were very mental and needlessly complex.

Students would often get bogged down in the course. Some people got it quickly; while others needed more time to assimilate the information. My biggest frustration was that often we ran out of time and were unable to cover a LOT of the most important material at the end of the energy healing class.

In 2005, most of the energy healing modalities I was certified in stopped working for me. This experience inspired me to begin creating and offering my own spiritual healing sessions. My vision has always been to offer spiritual healing and enlightenment sessions, activations and training to empower people to heal, grow and succeed.

As I realized how much my clients benefited from my energy healing sessions, I began training spiritual healers. I wanted to create healer training programs so simple that people - without any prior energy healing training or experience - would be able to immediately apply the spiritual healing techniques I taught them.  I also wanted to create user-friendly training programs that healers could work with from home at their own pace without having to travel.

I now attune spiritual healers for the energy healing tools and modalities I nave created and let them learn through working with the energy healing manuals and sessions at their own pace. I have been training spiritual healers around the world (over 16 countries so far) for over seven years. I feel very strongly that:

Healer Training should originate from the heart NOT the head;
Healer Training should be as user friendly, simple and easy to learn as it can be;
Healer Training should be as intuitive, easy and fast to transmit, use and apply as possible.



Please Join My Free Energy Healing Group!

Each month, I offer a group energy healing session where I transmit spiritual healing and enlightenment energies to over 1,500 people. Click below to learn more!




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Free Healing & Enlightenment E-Course

My name is Bill Austin and I have over ten years of experience in helping people - just like YOU - to become healthier, happier and more successful! The goal of this course is to help you to learn simple and powerful ways you can heal yourself, realize more of your full potential and enhance the quality of your life. When you sign up for my free e-course, you will receive:

  • Weekly Articles on Healing & Spiritual Growth
  • Healing & Enlightenment Tips Every Other Day
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